Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Well....I'm still not too late for Chinese New Year resolutions am I?

Okay here is the deal.....I LOVE freezer cooking, the part where you pull the meal out of the freezer and throw it in the oven (though you might want to thaw it first)......however. Freezer cooking is a 4 day commitment! It is TOTALLY worth it, it really is. Ever since Liora was born, I just haven't been able to pull it together though. I've struggled thought the last 8 months cooking 6 nights a week, back in the old routine of planning one week at a time, and it's wearing on me. I'm bored, I'm probably spending more money than we have in the past (because of items I forget to buy at Costco and have to pay double running across the street for), and dinner is the most stressful part of my day.

Then somehow I fell upon this blog......5 dinners in 1 Hour

I tried her recipe for coconut Chicken (I happened to have cocount AND panko crumbs in the pantry, weird I know) but that was dinner. And I loved it. It took me almost no time to prep and was yummy and healthy!

Tonight I tried her Black Bean and Corn Quesadillas......SERIOUSLY yummy. I was thrilled.

I will be jumping back on that freezer meal band wagon soon....probably when Lisa returns home. I only cooked about 10-12 meals for the month, leaving me with 2 freezer meals a week so I didn't have to think about dinner AT ALL. But prepping 5 dinners in an hour and only cooking the sides also sounds divine.

You have download her sample menu and give a few recipes a try. I was really impressed!

  • She includes the grocery lists (which you can shop your cabinets first~you'll find a lot of the ingredients)
  • Instructions and directions are clear and Easy
  • She gives a few tips that make the whole process seriously take an hour to prep the meals and store them!
  • The meals were great! Of course you might see a few that don't call out to you, so don't make them! But this has been a great adventure this week! 
I found another site for those of you who love your crock pot.....A year of Slow cooking Another great tool for all us busy Moms!!!! I haven't tried any of these recipes yet, but I'm excited about the find!

As you can guess this year I have resolved to get my cooking back in order.....though I've been cooking everynight (except Fridays) it hasn't been as stress free as it can be. And that is one thing I need OFF my stress list!

My other resolution was trying to become more organized and diligent  this year. With so much going on at any given point, I would like the house and school to run more smoothly, and it can with a little effort......but that is another post and a set of links!

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